iPhone Revolution
For the past number of months, tech news sources have been overflowing with articles relating to the launch of Apple’s newest technological revolution: the iPhone.
Although the iPhone offers many new and innovative features, it is not exactly enterprise friendly. At the time of release, the iPhone leverages only the IMAP protocol to access Exchange email data. This essentially limits the device in such a way that it cannot take advantage of Exchange 2007 features such as Calendar and Contact synchronization. Furthermore, IMAP has at least two inherent negatives on a mobile device: it is not a ‘push’ email technology (unlike BlackBerry and Windows Mobile 5+ based solutions) and it is not natively secure (Ceryx utilizes an SSL encrypted IMAP solution to circumvent this issue).
The iPhone is a beautifully engineered device with little in the way of close competition in terms of gizmos and gadgets. Unfortunately it falls well short of the bar in an enterprise environment. If you must have an iPhone, you will have to do without many of the mobile features that are now standard amongst the competition – at least until 3rd party software is available or until, as speculated, Apple licenses Microsoft ActiveSync technology.
Apple iPhone: http://www.apple.com/iphone/
MacNN – iPhone/Active Sync: http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/06/26/iphone.exchange.support/
Microsoft Exchange Team Blog - http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2007/07/10/446015.aspx